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Philodendron Gloriosum Large Round Form

Philodendron Gloriosum Large Round Form

Regular price $179.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $179.00 USD
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The cover photo is a good example leaf of my mother plant, which was sourced from NSE tropical. You will receive a plant similar to the last three photos, a well-rooted plant with 3-5 leaves.

The second photo is a comparison between my gloriosum regular form and large round form. From my personal observation, a very easy way to differentiate them is the leaf veins of the large round form are way more prominent and dense while the regular form's leaf veins are sparse and thin. The large round form's veins can also get pink when when the leaves is new and young. The ears of the round form are closer or even can overlap while the regular form's ears are farther away from each other. The stem/petiole of the large round form is in an O shape, while the regular form is in a U shape. The last obvious difference is just in the name of the form, the large round form will get large and round leaf when fully matured while the regular form won't get as large and the leaf shape is slightly more elongated even though both forms' young seedlings show the elongated leaf shape.

When propagating the large round form gloriosum, I also found out its younger leaves are very likely to get distorted or curled, my personal theory is since the veins are so dense, the younger leaf has less surface area to ruffle between the veins hence causing the distortion, the distortion gets better with the increasing of leaf size. Eventually, you will end up with a perfect large, round, pillowy, and velvety gloriosum leaf.

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